Spent a few hours trudging around the old home town yesterday, from necessity not from choice. Had a camera with me so took a few images of the greyness.
The Riverfront, Newport City Footbridge, University City Campus - mid-tide |
Near the city centre, the residential east bank of the River Usk overlooks (near to far) the University of South Wales, Newport City Campus, Newport's City Footbridge, office block and Riverside Arts Centre.
Newport City Footbridge |
A welcome addition for pedestrians and cyclists, the City Footbridge offers convenient access to both banks of the river.
Transporter Bridge - near high tide |
Newport's famous Transported Bridge, designed by the French engineer Ferdinand Arnodin to provide a river crossing and still allow high masted ships access to the town's riverside wharves was built and opened in 1906.
The towers stand 241 feet 5 inches tall (73.6 metres) and the span is 644 feet 9 inches (196.56 metres). The distance between the centres of the anchorage caissons is 1,545 feet 5 inches (471.06 metres). Power to propel the transporter platform or gondola is provided by two 35 hp (26.1 kW) electric motors, which in turn drive a large winch, situated in an elevated winding house at the eastern end of the bridge. This winch is sufficient to drive the gondola through its 196.56 metre total travel at a speed of 3 metres per second.
This is the oldest and largest of the three historic transporter bridges which remain in Britain, and also the largest of eight such bridges which remain worldwide.
Looking back into the city from the SDR - near high tide |
The Southern Distributor Road bridge offers a good vantage point to look back along the tidal River Usk towards the centre of the city, the view is very different at low tide.
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