Tuesday 29 August 2017

Bishop's Crowns and Christmas Bells - in August

Our Christmas Bell chillies are just starting to ripen and are looking pretty fine too I think.

Christmas Bell Chillies
I'm really quite taken by these odd shaped little beauties, although I'd prefer them to be a bit higher up the Scoville scale.

Christmas Bell also known as Bishop's Crown
The Christmas Bell, or Bishop's Crown is also sometimes known as the Peri Peri or Joker's Hat pepper. It's all a bit confusing if you're buying seeds, as we did, without really knowing what you're getting.

Peri Peri or Joker's Hat
Irrespective of how they taste I'd be happy to grow these again just for the sheer beauty of seeing the fruits ripen and of course if we can get them to grow into the winter months they'll make fine decorations.

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