Question: When is a violet not a violet?
Wild Violet |
Answer: When it's not purple of course!
Wild 'White' Violet |
There are a whole bunch of these rather lovely white violet plants growing in my local wood. I think they are properly called viola blanda; I could well be wrong about that. There are so many of them I've heard other walkers refer to them as wood anemones, but anemones they certainly aren't because this is a wood anemone:
Wood Anemone |
A very different plant, especially when seen growing in abundance.
Wood Anemones |
I admit I'm not very astute when it comes to identifying plant life and tend to forgive other peoples' mistakes since I appreciate I make so many myself. That said I'm continually surprised when I hear people refer to celandine as buttercup or these little chaps (grape hyacinths) as bluebells:
Grape Hyacinth |